Gone are the days of water-logged paper targets; Rite in the Rain offers a wide selection of weatherproof targets that are approved for use in NRA-sanctioned matches. Protected by a patented moisture-shield coating, Rite in the Rain targets shrug off rainy conditions, can be written on when wet and are designed to produce clean, easy-to-see bullet holes. The 9126 Zeroing Target, shown here, is intended for use with rifles and pistols at 25 meters. Price: $18 (per 100). Contact: JL Darling LLC; (253) 922-5000; riteintherain.com.
Aluminum .45-Cal. 63-Gr. Saboted Muzzleloader Bullets
Muzzle-Loaders.Com; (855) 236-9900; muzzle-loaders.com
3" 28-Ga. Shotshells
Fiocchi Usa; (417) 725-4118; fiocchiusa.com
Sheepskin Gun Cleaning Kits
Rusty’s Rags, Inc.; (770) 710-1356; shop.rustysrags.com
Expanding Steel 12-Ga. Slugs
Ddupleks USA; (217) 283-4867; ddupleks-usa.com
Polymer Walking Stick Gun Rests
MTM Molded Products Co.; (937) 890-7461; mtmcase-gard.com
Kits Designed To Ease Bolt Lift Of Savage Rifles
Pacific Tool & Gauge; (541) 826- 5808; pacifictoolandgauge.com
3/8" Tipoff Dovetail Rings
Warne Scope Mounts; (800) 683-5590; warnescopemounts.com