Vintagers, double-gun hunters and other shotgun buffs whose preferred loads aren’t carried by their local big-box store can find a wide array of low-pressure, low-recoil, high-performance options via online seller RST Classic Shotshells. RST specializes in light loads for all gauges, from pipsqueaks like .410 bore and 32 gauge all the way up to 10 gauge. Shell lengths for 12 gauge include 2" and 2½", and the firm offers numerous paper-hull, roll-crimp and fiber-wad options. For woodcock and other small birds, hunters can choose No. 9 or No. 10 shot payloads, as well as 2½" spreader loads. RST Premium Grade features low-recoil 2¾" shells in 12, 20 and 28 gauge. On the other side of the spectrum are full-power Pigeon Loads in 12 and 28 gauge for live bird competition. Waterfowl hunters can also stick to their vintage guns with a selection of non-toxic, bismuth-shot cartridges in 10, 12, 16, 20 and 28 gauge, with pellet sizes extending from BB to No. 7½. Contact: RST Classic Shotshell Co., Inc.; (570) 553-1651; rstshells.com.