Though Glock often gets credit for being the world's first polymer-frame, striker-fired pistol, the H&K VP70, which shares those attributes, actually debuted a full 13 years beforehand. A select-fire, high-capacity oddity, the H&K VP70 utilized design principles that were far ahead of its time. For more on this groundbreaking pistol, check out this "I Have this Old Gun" segment from a recent episode of American Rifleman TV.
With suppressor wait times at a historic low, subsonic rifle cartridges are more popular than ever. Here is a recipe for low-cost, semi-automatic-friendly .300 Blackout range fodder that runs cleanly and is affordable.
In the 1980s, I was shooting competition at a state range in Rhode Island. A friend of mine asked me to join the high power rifle team he was putting together.
In 2010, Smith & Wesson applied its "Bodyguard" moniker to a polymer-frame, .380 ACP semi-automatic pistol. Recently, the company updated that design with the Bodyguard 2.0 NTS.
Though many men have contributed to the design of the bolt-action centerfire rifle, none have done as much as Paul and Wilhelm Mauser to make this rifle a success.