“The Men and Guns of the Pacific War” series takes Field Editor Marty Morgan and the ARTV camera crew to the American battlefields of the Pacific War, starting with the infamous attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the event that provoked the United States into the Second World War. In the end, more than 2,400 Americans perished on "the day that will live in infamy." Check out this segmentfrom a recent episode ofAmerican Rifleman TV to learn more about the attacks on Pearl Harbor, which resulted in the U.S. involvement in World War II.
Hornady’s latest flat-shooting Advanced Rifle Cartridge and its 62-grain .22-cal. bullet are tailor-made for AR-15s and short-action bolt guns—and the author also found them to be “good medicine for bad dogs.”
Internet and social-media scammers have impersonated a number of popular ammunition brands and retailers in an effort to defraud deal-seeking shoppers. Here's what to watch out for.