Made famous by notorious interstellar smuggler Han Solo, the DL-44 blends a combination of precise accuracy aided by its magnified optic, low recoil thanks to its laser-diode firing system and devastating performance downrange, in a sleek, ergonomic package. Compared to the blasters wielded by the stormtroopers anyway, it appears to be far and away the most accurate firearm in the galaxy! Usually only available for several thousand Imperial Credits, this is a great way for anyone to get their hands on this legendary piece of equipment for a possibly better price, and an assuredly good cause.
This description is, of course, a work of fiction. The DL-44 being auctioned off by Umarex is an incredibly well-detailed working airgun, created by Guinness World Record holder Chris Turek, of UpNorth AirGunner. Prior to this, Chris had already converted an Umarex Legends M712 into a blaster, a project that was well-documented on various social media platforms. Thus he seemed the natural choice to design this movie-prop replica.
The auction will take place on gunbroker.com beginning on May 4, and running until May 10. Good luck, and May the Fourth be with you.
For more information please visit studentairrifleprogram.org and umarexUSA.com. For a closer look at the blaster itself, check out this video.