This week, Part 2 will cover "An American Army," and how when America declared war on Germany in 1917, U.S. forces were not prepared for what lay ahead. However, the rapid mobilization of U.S. troops deployed in France was a remarkable accomplishment with forces expanding from 200,000 men to 2 million in just over a year and a half. Armed with the Model 1903 Springfield Rifle and the Model 1911 Colt Pistol, millions of American men were sent to the trenches in France until the end of the war in November 1918.

In "Rifleman Review" we look at the Mossberg Shockwave in 12 gauge; and the Interarms FEG APK Pistol is our "I Have This Old Gun."

Photo courtesy of hibid.com
Watch a preview of tonight's episode here, and be sure to tune in on Wednesdays to the Outdoor Channel for the full episode.