It’s difficult to believe that we’ve come to the close of yet another year of the “World’s Oldest and Largest Firearm Authority.” Coverage in the past 12 issues has included a raft of product reviews and industry and political news as it pertains to our long-cherished exercise of the Second Amendment—and this issue is no different.
While the Colt name has long been associated with its seminal Single Action Army revolver, Model 1911 semi-automatic pistol and AR-style rifle, it can now be thought of in even broader terms. In “Colt CBX TacHunter: Precision For The Field,” Editor Emeritus John Zent—an experienced hunter whose career has spanned several decades, and continents, in pursuit of game—covers the company’s all-new bolt-action rifle. Available in both precision- and hunting-based models, we focus here on the latter, which promises to extend the Colt legacy among today’s growing crop of long-range hunters.
Senior Executive Editor Kelly Young had a unique opportunity to field test two new red-dot optics from one of the world’s most respected innovators in military-grade firearm sights. He recalls his experiences, and reports his findings, in “Next-Gen Ruggedness: The Trijicon RMR HD & RCR.” And as he lays out the new models’ capabilities and features, it is unlikely that those looking to add durable reflex sights to their hard-use handguns will be able to dismiss the latest offerings from a company whose reputation has been built on giving American warfighters the edge.
In addition to such new directions, another well-known brand has decided to say farewell to an iconic offering that seems to have run its course. Walther will bid farewell to the classic and remarkably versatile P99 semi-automatic handgun after its more than 25 years of influence on the fast-evolving semi-automatic pistol market. In “The Last Of The First: Walther’s P99 AS Final Edition,” Editorial Director Mark Keefe takes a deep dive into the gun’s engineering and design legacy, along with its cinematic fame, acknowledging that much of the period during which it was sold “was a bad time to have a great gun.”
Then, in “Griffin & Howe: 100 Years Of Adventure In The Making,” Field Editor Rick Hacker provides a retrospective on the classic American gunmaker now celebrating a century in the business of crafting and importing bespoke bolt-action rifles and sporting shotguns for discriminating, well-heeled and, often, well-known shooters. G&H’s legacy is virtually unparalleled and still includes such unusual offerings as optic mounts for the M1 Garand rifle as employed during World War II on the M1C sniper variant. It is a company legacy that simply must be re-examined so as to be properly valued.
Also, it’s worth pointing out that, in our magazine, we have included a two-page Index to many of the pieces published during the past year—throughout which we’ve featured content in celebration of the centenary of the American Rifleman name. We hope that it serves as a handy reference to those memorable nuggets that might otherwise be difficult to locate quickly.
Finally, despite the continued attempts by anti-gun groups aided by anti-freedom politicians to silence your association and this magazine, we’re already in production for the coming year with another full slate of coverage about all the firearms, optics, ammunition and accessories that freedom-loving shooters need or wish to own. And with your support, we’re confident that NRA and American Rifleman will remain familiar names for another year—even another century. After all, no less than our very freedom depends on it.