Introducing friends, family members or colleagues to the shooting sports in a safe, comfortable and controlled environment is something a lot of gun owners talk about, but we here at NRA Publications take steps to help you do something about it. Please take time to read the below from NRA Publications Executive Director Doug Hamlin:
Dear Fellow Member:
Each year, thousands of Americans purchase their first firearm. While they enter into gun ownership with the best intentions, we all know that they could benefit from sound advice and training. It is in this spirit that we ask all NRA members to mentor our less experienced friends, family members and colleagues. Over the last four years, NRA Publications has sponsored an initiative for NRA members to take a new shooter to a range during the month of May. This year, we’ve partnered with Taurus, Walker’s, Davidson’s and Remington to continue the success of this NRA Mentor Initiative.
Inside this issue, you will find details of the NRA Mentor Initiative along with instructions to download a PDF version of the Guide For New Shooters. This valuable resource provides helpful advice on how to get started, firearm safety, gear, shooting tips, gun cleaning and storage.
Take the time to identify and encourage these shooters to enroll with local NRA Certified Instructors for expert training (nrainstructors.org). Foster a culture of firearm safety and help them find places to shoot that are safe and welcoming. Most of all, have fun introducing the sports you love and want to share.
You’ve helped add thousands of new members to NRA with your mentoring efforts, so we know that every new shooter is a prime candidate to become an NRA member. You can tell newcomers to call (800) 977-4672 or go online to membership.nra.org.
Please join me in becoming an NRA mentor!
Doug Hamlin
Executive Director, NRA Publications