One man is dead and his female accomplice is in custody after the pair arranged to sell a vehicle on Craigslist but instead attempted to rob the buyers when they arrived. Two Illinois men had traveled to Gary, Ind., to make the transaction, but when they reached the address they had been given by the woman, they were instead greeted by an armed 22-year-old man who demanded their money. In response, the two buyers drew their own carry guns and opened fire, striking the male suspect numerous times in the chest and his female accomplice once in the thigh. The wounded man died at the scene, and the woman now faces one count of murder, since someone was killed during the commission of a crime. The armed citizens are not expected to face charges for the defensive use of their firearms. (The Northwest Indiana Times, Munster, IN, 12/22/15)
The Armed Citizen® Archives
December 1958
When Abraham Gordon, vice president of a Brooklyn, N.Y., check-cashing firm, arrived at 8:45 a.m. to open for business, a bandit jammed a gun into his back and demanded that the cashier’s cage be opened. Gordon stalled with, “I can’t open it until 9 o’clock when the boss comes.” When boss Edward Kargman arrived at 8:55 a.m., he scanned the scene, dashed behind a partition and whipped out his gun. The apprentice robber, startled by this move, was then covered with a gun held by Gordon, whom he had failed to search. (New York Daily News, New York, NY)