Armed Citizen® Today
An alleged burglar is dead after forcing his way into an apartment in Memphis, Tenn.
According to eyewitnesses, the man broke into one of the units at the New Horizon Apartments just after 5 a.m. on Aug. 16, 2023, where he encountered an armed resident. The armed citizen was, according to FOX 13 sources, the grandson of the woman who lived in the unit. Memphis police told reporters that the alleged intruder was dead when they arrived at the scene. Officers detained the resident for questioning but told reporters he wasn't under arrest.
The shooting occurred despite the presence of hired security at the complex, and one resident told Fox 13 that she still questioned the ability of the armed guards. "They are not doing their job. They have their picks. They let who they want to let in," she told reporters. (FOX 13 Memphis; Memphis, Tenn.; 8/16/23)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives – November 1971
Helen Friedlien, a store clerk in Cincinnati, Ohio, grabbed a gun when two men attempted to rob her one night. Although one holdup man was armed, both fled immediately. (The Cincinnati Post and Times Star; Cincinnati, Ohio)