The Armed Citizen® Sept. 27, 2024

posted on September 27, 2024
The Armed Citizen

Armed Citizen® Today

An argument that developed into an assault ended when the armed victim fired on his attacker in Chatham County, Ga.

At about 10 p.m. on Monday, July 29, police say the aggressor showed up to the victim's house and began a verbal argument. According to the police report, both men knew each other. The argument then escalated when the 51-year-old aggressor assaulted the resident in front of witnesses. As the assault continued, the victim shot his aggressor, ending the attack.

The suspect survived his gunshot wound and faces charges of battery, 1st degree burglary and two counts of cruelty to children in the 3rd degree. No charges have been filed against the man who opened fire on his attacker. (WJCL News; Chatham County, Ga.; 7/30/24)

From the Armed Citizen® Archives – December 1967

Shot six times, a Washington, D.C. part-time gas station attendant routed two hold-up men and held a third at bay until police arrived. Jumped by the armed trio in front of the station, Edward O. King, 24, drew a .32-cal. revolver and traded shot for shot with the thugs. Two fled. Though badly wounded, King kept the third man cowering in a phone booth with an occasional shot in his direction. The latter was charged with assault with intent to kill. (Washington Evening Star)


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