Armed Citizen® Today
An armed homeowner in the Geiger Heights neighborhood of Spokane, Wash., kept an intruder at bay until police arrived in the evening of Sept. 25, 2023.
Court documents indicate that the suspected trespasser, a 37-year-old man, first entered a local Shriners event center and was in the building for about 10 minutes before making his way to a nearby home just before 9:30 p.m. There, he allegedly entered the house through an unlocked door and was confronted by the homeowners. The residents held the unwanted visitor at gunpoint and called police, who arrived and questioned the suspect. He told police someone had directed him toward the home, then changed his story and allegedly said later that he had followed the stars and moon to the house.
At a court appearance two days after the trespass, a local judge ordered the man to receive a mental-health evaluation and then released him. (KREM2; Spokane, Wash.; 9/27/23)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives – December 1932
In Portland, Oreg., on Oct. 11, Mrs. Donald Bailey prevented a robbery of her home by sending a bullet in the direction of the intruder, who promptly fled.