Dale Vigliarolo and his wife were walking into Holiday Market when they spotted 43-year-old David Shuten in the parking lot wilding a large hunting knife. After a failed attempt to break into a vehicle, Shuten turned his attention to a nearby couple with an infant child. As Shuten approached the family, Vigliarolo drew his .38 Special and demanded he drop his weapon. Shuten dropped the knife and sat on the ground until police arrived. He was then transported to a nearby hospital for psychiatric evaluation. (Royal Oak Review, Royal Oak, Mich., 3/14/12)
The Armed Citizen Extra
(The following account did not appear in the print version of American Rifleman)
Upon hearing a noise at his back door late one Monday evening, a resident of Wilton, Maine decided to check things out-and was surprised to find a hand through the exterior door on his porch. The door had a hook latch on the inside, and the suspect was slowly ripping the door open. The resident yelled for the suspect to stop and told his elderly mother to call police, retrieving his shotgun in the process. He told the intruder to stop and warned that he had a gun, but the suspect continued his efforts to break the latch. One round fired toward the door did what the warning couldn’t, and the suspect fled up a nearby hill. (Lewiston Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, 2/23/11)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
May 1981: A stickup man had been plaguing convenience stores in the Salisbury, Md. area, so when Robert Brown saw a man fitting the robber’s description approaching his store, he reached for a gun. When the would-be robber pulled a pistol from his coat, Brown drew his own gun and the criminal fled. (The Daily Times, Salisbury, Md.)