Armed Citizen® Today
An armed South Carolina woman defended herself and her child from a man who allegedly invaded her home late on the evening of Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023.
At 10:40 p.m., the 28-year-old alleged intruder entered the apartment where the woman and her child were residing. The woman fired once, striking the intruder, who collapsed just inside the apartment door. Police were called and attempted to render aid, but the man was pronounced dead at the scene. The woman and her child were unharmed during the incident.
“Right now, it remains unknown why the suspect entered the apartment, and the investigation is ongoing," said Forest Acres Police Chief Don Robinson. "In the meantime, we recognize the resident’s right to defend her home and family as per the 'Castle Doctrine. under South Carolina law." (News 19, Forest Acres, S.C., 1/22/23)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives – April 1961
When the customer at the counter in Mrs. Daisy Parker’s Philadelphia luncheonette menaced her with hand in pocket and announced a stickup, Mrs. Parker edged away, grabbed her cal. 32 revolver from under the counter, and came up firing. Three shots sent the bandit lurching out the door. After picking him up, police closed a second case when another robbery victim identified him. (Philadelphia Bulletin, Philadelphia, Pa.)