Two men arranged to meet one another about a Craigslist ad for a motorcycle. When they met, the man who posted the ad pulled out a gun and pointed it at the buyer, who was with his daughter and father. The buyer pulled out his own pistol and fired at the armed suspect causing him to flee. The family called police and reported the incident. Officers located the suspect and he was treated for his gunshot wounds. Investigators reportedly found ski masks and batons in the suspect's car. He had been previously convicted of various crimes including arson, theft and aggravated robbery. (Dallas News, Dallas, Texas, 12/3/13)
Police responded to a 9-1-1 call about a breaking and entering incident around 8:40 a.m. When police arrived, they discovered that the homeowner had shot and killed one of several suspects. After the shot was fired, the other suspects were seen fleeing the area. The homeowner was reportedly not injured during the attempted break-in. "They were breaking into his house; you've got a right to defend yourself," Sheriff Brindell Wilkins Jr. said of the incident. "The suspect had a gun and a knife." (The Daily Dispatch, Oxford, N.C., 5/14/14)
From The Armed Citizen® Archives
November 1970: Henry O. Coldani, Jr., a Stockton, Calif., bar owner, heard breaking glass at a wig shop next door, picked up his pistol and went to investigate. He found a burglar leaving the shop and held him until officers arrived. (Stockton, Calif., Record)