A jewelry store manager was behind the desk when two men dressed in wigs and women's clothing burst through the door. The men, later reported to be illegal aliens from Honduras and Guatemala, carried guns and duct tape. This bizarre tale wraps up quickly: The manager drew the .357-cal. pistol that was holstered on his hip and promptly shot both men, killing one and critically injuring the other. Two weeks before, one of the men attempted to rob the same store. Resale shop owner Pam McCrory said what happened shocked her, considering her business is not far away. "I will be getting me a gun," she said. (WLBT-TV, Pearl, MS, 03/23/11)
The Armed Citizen Extra
The following account did not appear in the print version of American Rifleman.
After a heated dispute one evening, two neighbors parted ways and returned to their homes. Later that evening, one of the men return to the other's home, forced his way in and began beating him. The homeowner drew his handgun and shot the attacker, killing him. Police say the homeowner was not charged because he was acting in self-defense. (Hattiesburg American, Hattiesburg, MS, 02/01/11)
From The Armed Citizen Archive
June 1978: The last time Carl Evener's apartment in Chicago, Ill., was robbed, he was shot in the stomach. This time he was ready. Two teenagers pushed through his door about midnight, demanded money and then struck him over the head with a chair. From the floor Evener pulled out his revolver and shot, wounding one of them. They fled but were apprehended a short time later by the police. (The Sun-Times, Chicago, Ill.)