Two people had just pulled up to a bank's drive-through automated teller machine when a man approached them on the driver's side of the vehicle. The man drew a gun and demanded that the driver withdraw $600 and give it to him. The driver told him the bank wouldn't allow him to withdraw that amount, but the passenger told the driver to go ahead and withdraw it. Secretly, the passenger just wanted a diversion to allow him to draw his handgun. As the suspect watched the driver withdraw money, the passenger saw his opening. "He reaches over and pushes the suspect's gun out of the driver's face and shoots him twice," said Jackson, Miss., Commander Wendell Watts. The suspect returned fire and the passenger shot him an additional four or five times. The suspect survived, but lost a kidney and his freedom. (The Northside Sun, Jackson, MS, 02/24/11)
The Armed Citizen Extra
Three 20-something men planned out an attack on a nearby home and decided to carry it out one night. Little did they know, the homeowner would be ready for them. Just after entering the home by breaking down the front door, two of the intruders were met by the homeowner and the end of his shotgun. One of the men fled, while the other was held at gunpoint until the police arrived. The men were charged with burglary and criminal conspiracy. (The Portland Daily Sun, Portland OR, 09/24/10)
From The Armed Citizen Archive
June 1978: Victimized by seven previous break-ins, Irma Sharp, 76, of Akron, Ohio, bought a gun. It paid off recently, when a youth posed as a newspaper boy to get into her house. Suspicious that he might be an impostor, Sharp retrieved her weapon just as two other teenagers burst through the door. They knocked her to the floor and put a knife to her throat. Managing to get up, Sharp turned and fired. "Let's get the hell out of here," she heard them say as they bolted through the door. (The Beacon Journal, Akron, Ohio)