Sitting at his kitchen table, a long-time NRA member and competitive shooter was alarmed when a masked intruder walked through the front door wielding a knife. “Who the [expletive] are you?” the NRA member demanded, but the intruder just mumbled something and progressed toward him. The NRA member grabbed for the intruder’s knife hand, receiving lacerations. He continued struggling with the intruder with his left hand, and reached into his pocket with his right, drawing a .38-cal. revolver. “Get the [expletive] out of here or I’m going to shoot you!” the NRA member shouted. The intruder backed away, saying, “I’m an alcoholic; I’m not going to get shot over this.” He fled the scene. (Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, Walla Walla, WA, 03/30/11)
The Armed Citizen Extra
(The following account did not appear in the print version of American Rifleman.)
Around 10 o'clock in the evening, a woman was home alone when an unknown man began knocking on her door and ringing the doorbell incessantly. Fearing a break-in, the woman called 9-1-1 and armed herself. When the man began to kick down the door, the homeowner fired two shots, causing him to flee. He was arrested later at a local hospital and charged with first degree burglary. (Press-Register, Mobile, AL, 10/16/10)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
July 1961: Five years ago, when Martin Block was robbed in his Philadelphia haberdashery, he vowed, "I will not be held up again without a fight." Recently 2 bandits entered Block's shop, one shoving a Luger pistol in his face and demanding all the money. Block drew his cal. .25 automatic. The bandit squeezed the Luger's trigger and a hollow click sounded. Block fired and shot the gunman in the head at short range. The confederate fled the store. (Philadelphia Bulletin, Philadelphia, PA)