*When Michael Lish returned home to find the back door and a window ajar, he entered cautiously with his handgun for protection. As he inspected his home, a man dressed in dark clothing and wielding a sword sprung out at him. Police say the burglar threatened Lish and walked toward him. Lish fired a shot, wounding the burglar who fell to his knees. The burglar reached behind his back in an apparent attempt to grab another weapon, forcing Lish to fire two more shots, killing him. The burglar, who was on probation at the time of his death, was also carrying two illegally possessed guns, a knife and a stun gun. (Tulsa World, Tulsa, OK, 04/03/2010)
*A man was enjoying his lunch on a park bench when, according to police, a suspect with a less wholesome agenda spotted him. Clutching a knife, the suspect approached the man and said, "Give me all your money or I'll stab you!" The mugger grabbed the man and shoved him against a fence. The suspect may have intended to inflict bodily harm on the man, however, he didn't realize his would-be victim was licensed to carry a firearm. The man drew a handgun and opened fire on the suspect, wounding him. The mugger was to be arrested upon his release from the hospital. (The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT, 04/27/10)
The Armed Citizen Extra
(The following account did not appear in the print version of American Rifleman.)
According to State Police, a 43-year-old West Virginia man was looking to steal from another man's home and tried to enter it. The homeowner called out to him, warning him not to enter, but the suspect did so anyway. The homeowner fired one shot with a small caliber firearm, striking him in the abdomen. The suspect was transported to the hospital where he was listed in critical condition. (Charleston Gazette, Charleston, WV, 04/29/10)
From the Armed Citizen Archive
July 1975: Peering out the backdoor window of his Charleston, S.C., home one morning, Ernest Pinckney saw two young males prowling in his front yard. Pinckney, sensing a break-in, got his gun and hid behind a kitchen counter. The two youths broke a window and came in through the kitchen door, and once they were inside Pinckney got the drop on them. One escaped by pushing his companion against Pinckney, but the other intruder was turned over to juvenile authorities. (The News and Courier, Charleston, SC)