Just hours after being served with a restraining order that prohibited him from going within two miles of the house, 43-year-old Sean Parsons arrived at the home of his ex-girlfriend Christina Lewis, 51, and her boyfriend Doug Snarski, 55. Parsons entered the home yelling and brandishing both a shotgun and a handgun. He fired the guns up the stairs where Lewis and Snarski were hiding. Snarski, from around the corner of a doorway, showed Parsons that he also had a firearm. When Parsons continued to advance up the stairs, Snarski fired at him. Parsons died of gunshot wounds to his abdomen and right hip. Snarski said, “I believe everyone should have some kind of pistol for their own protection … If I didn’t think like that I wouldn’t be here right now.” (The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA, 5/15/12)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
April 1986: A knife-wielding man and his gun-toting accomplice demanded all the receipts from Patrick Brennan's Colchester, Vt., store. All the shopkeeper presented them, though, was the muzzle of a revolver. The panicked robbers dove tot he floor, crawled out the door, and fled. (The Herald, Rutland, Vt.)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
September 1973: Convinced that no one was home, two burglars broke down the back door of Heil DeHaven's Buckingham, Pa., home. The 79-year-old DeHaven leveled his 12-ga. shotgun at the smashed door and fired. The bandits fled and were arrested when they sought medical aid. (The Daily Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pa.)