Armed Citizen® Today
A 51-year-old man defended himself from a homeless man who assaulted him and stole his cellphone in Anderson, Ind., according to local reports.
Investigators say the 51-year-old victim was playing a scavenger-style hunt game on his cellphone in the town when he was ambushed by a 43-year-old homeless man. The suspect allegedly hit the man in the face and grabbed his cellphone. After being assaulted, the victim pulled out his gun and fired, killing his assailant.
Police say that, before the incident, the homeless man had been threatening to harm other people in the downtown area. "Everything that's been presented to me looks like a very strong self-defense case," Madison County Prosecutor Rodney Cummings told reporters. "You can use deadly force to defend yourself or your property if you have reason to believe you could be injured or killed." (Fox 59 News; Anderson, Ind.; 7/11/24)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives – October 1973
Convinced that no one was home, two burglars broke down the back door of Heli DeHaven's Buckingham, Pa., home. The 79-year-old DeHavan leveled his 12.-ga. shotgun at the smashed door and fired. The bandits fled and were arrested when they sought medical aid. (The Daily Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pa.)