Armed Citizen® Today
A 75-year-old homeowner shot an alleged home invader with a muzzleloading rifle in Georgia, Vt., on Jan. 31, 2024, according to police.
Officers say three men were allegedly attempting to break into the man's house at about 11:30 p.m., having broken into a separate section of the residence where the homeowner's son lives. As the intruders tried to force their way through a locked interior door between the living spaces, the homeowner fired at one of the suspects with the muzzleloader, injuring him.
Officers found the wounded man in a neighboring yard and brought him to an area hospital, where he was listed in critical condition. The two other suspects have not been found. (WCAX News; Georga, Vt.; 1/31/24)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives – June 1972
When two would-be robbers entered Charles Calinis' New Haven, Conn., grocery store, one immediately drew a pistol and placed it at the owner's head. Calinis managed to reach his own .22-cal. pistol, fired and wounded one intruder. The other fled. (Bridgeport Post; Bridgeport, Conn.)