Armed Citizen® Today
An armed homeowner shot and killed a charging bull moose in his yard in Terreton, Idaho, on Jan. 21, 2023, after the animal had been frequenting the area for more than a week.
According to reports, the adult male moose was becoming increasingly irritated due to its proximity to local residences. A local homeowner was attempting to scare the moose out of his yard when the animal charged. The resident was armed and opened fire on the moose, killing it and causing it to stop only a few yards away from him.
The man was uninjured in the incident, and Jefferson County, Idaho, deputies and Fish and Game conservation officers determined that it was an act of self-defense, so no charges have been filed. (Idaho Fish And Game, Terreton, Idaho, 1/21/23)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives – June 1959
After a series of break-ins of his gas station near Mooresville, N.C., Roy Bumgardner was sleeping in the place when two intruders removed an air conditioning unit to gain entrance. The station operator fired his .38-cal. revolver at the burglars, dropping one at the scene, the other fleeing with a leg wound only to be captured later by police. (The Charlotte Observer, Mooresville, N.C.)