Holding either four or six 12-gauge shells, TacStar Sidesaddles fit Benelli, Beretta, HK, Mossberg, Remington and Winchester shotguns. A few four-shell, 20-gauge versions and RealTree patterns are also available, depending on the model.
The polymer holder attaches to an aluminum plate, which is then directly mounted to the shotgun receiver without need for special tools or gun modifications. Simply push the two mounting screws with washers through the receiver so that they take the place of the two pins, and then thread them onto the plate.
Attach the shotshell holder to the plate with screws and the holder is firmly attached to the shotgun. Prices range from $25 to $30, depending on the model.
Contact: Cheaper Than Dirt; (800) 421-8047; www.cheaperthandirt.com.