Not just a fashion statement, Survival Straps consist of several feet of ultra-functional 550-pound test parachute cord woven to form bracelets and other gear. Made in America, adjustable steel clasps anchor the cord which is woven in designs that can be customized for function, color—there are more than 50,000 combinations—length, closure type, identification and more.
Most importantly, in emergencies, great or small, the straps can be unraveled and the paracord put to use. In fact, the company guarantees that if a strap is deployed in an emergency situation, it will replace the strap with a new one in exchange for a copy of the tale and the price of shipping. Price: $25 and up, depending on type and customization.
Contact: Survival Straps; (800) 971-3360; www.survivalstraps.com.