There are a lot of stores that are concerned about its customers carrying concealed handguns inside their buildings. Because of a contested concealed-carry law change in my home state of Mississippi, my local Wal-Mart has posted its building-meaning no customers with concealed handguns are permitted inside.
I’ve often wondered if these stores would continue this type of policy if a robbery situation was stopped by a permit holder who ignored the sign. Well that was revealed when two armed men walked into an Aldi grocery store in Milwaukee, Wis., with the intent on robbing the place. The robbery was stopped when a customer pulled a concealed handgun and shot one of the suspects, who then fled the scene. Even though the store was posted, the citizen was not charged in the incident.
Since this incident, Aldi has supposedly reversed its policy of prohibiting firearms in its stores, according to numerous firearm forums that have posted a letter from the company stating the recent policy change. All I truly know, however, is that my local Aldi does not a sign prohibiting the carrying of concealed firearms.