Between a time-tested company reputation that’s over 150 years strong and the classic J-Frame design, there’s plenty going for our very first Gun of the Week: The Smith & Wesson M&P 340.
This lightweight, five-shot, double-action-only revolver is perfect for concealment and comes with an internal hammer that’ll keep it from catching on the draw. It’s chambered in .38 Special +P and the heavier .357 Mag., providing shooters with some options when planning their personal defense.
Those traits were enough to make the M&P 340 the personal carry gun of one Mark Keefe. You may have heard of him: Noted gun geek, American Rifleman Editor-in-Chief and a guy that’s handled quite a few firearms in his life—and this is the one that he’s selected to be at his side.
Smith & Wesson has succeeded in helping to protect citizens around the world since 1852, and beauties like the M&P 340 leave no doubts as to how or why.
Technical Specifications:
Caliber: .357 Magnum or .38 S&W Special +P
Capacity: 5 Rounds
Barrel Length: 1.875”
Overall Length: 6.31”
Action: Double Action Only
Weight: 13.3 ounces
Material: Scandium Alloy Frame, Stainless Steel Cylinder
Finish: Matte Black
MSRP: $869
Note: The M&P 340 depicted below is equipped with a Crimson Trace lasergrip. This is not included on the out-of-the-box model.