SHOT Show 2017: Colt Cobra Revolver
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No doubt the biggest news of 2017, Colt is back in the double-action revolver business for the first time in decades with it's new Colt Cobra—a name used on lightweight Colts from 1950 to 1981. American Rifleman's Mark Keefe
spent some time on the range with the new double-action, .38 Spl. snubnose with Colt's Senior VP Paul Spitale. The six-shot, conventional double-action revolver has cylinder that turns clockwise and a much improved grip frame that puts the trigger finger in a more inline position. And it's a good double-auction trigger, too. Based on one of the last Colt double-actions—the SF-VI—as a starting point, the company's engineers put a lot of time into making sure this little wheelmen was done right. It's an impressive reintroduction, and one that had them lined up 10 deep at Media Day.