Shell Shock Technologies has launched a consumer-based line of ammunition that’s now available through the company’s factory-direct outlet. All loads feature the innovative, two-piece Nickel Alloy Shell (NAS3) case the firm introduced in 2015. The casings are lighter than traditional brass and perform with the performance sports shooters, hunters and personal defense enthusiasts deserve.
“After our successful launch in 2015, Shell Shock Technologies shifted its engineering focus from high-volume pistol cases to rifle and military machine gun rounds,” Peter Foss, CEO of Shell Shock Technologies, explained. “While our move into rifle and machine gun calibers caught the attention of defense contractors, we also continued to pursue the American civilian market through the development of the most popular calibers used for personal defense, conceal carry, sport shooting and hunting. Currently, we are working on the much asked for 7.62 hunting round to add to our available in-house stock.”
The Shell Tech Ammo store is offering consumers .380 ACP, 9 mm Luger, 5.56 NATO and .300 Blackout ammunition. Loads are produced in the company’s state-of-the-art factory in Calhoun, Ga., and cartridges are 30 percent lighter than traditional brass-case ammunition. The lightweight loads allow for superior accuracy and velocity, as well as reducing heft of a full magazine—a virtue that reduces shooter fatigue during high-volume-of-fire training and competition. Every round the company produces is hand-inspected and the exceptional strength ensures consistent performance with a greatly reduced risk of failure.
Shell Tech Ammunition currently includes: .380 ACP Defense (copper polymer bullet); 9 mm Luger Defense (copper polymer); 9 mm (Nosler ASP); 9 mm Competition Ready (FMJ); 5.56 NATO (copper hollow point); 5.56 NATO (Nosler Varmageddon); 5.56 Competition Ready (FMJ); .300 Blackout (copper hollow point); .300 Blackout (Nosler Varmageddon); and .300 Blackout Competition Ready (FMJ). More offerings are in production and will be available soon.