“We're bringing back the One Million Gun Challenge with a twist,” said Ruger CEO Mike Fifer. “Our goal is to sell two million firearms between the 2015 and 2016 NRA Annual Meetings. With that, we pledge to donate not one, but two dollars to the NRA for every new firearm sold during that time. We accomplished our goals to support the NRA in 2012, and with the help of our loyal customers, we believe we can do it again.”
Fifer expanded on the announcement during an interview today with NRA Publications, discussing how Ruger plans to meet the lofty goal and expressing determination to provide leadership during what could very well be a pivot point in American history.
“The most important aspect in this cooperative effort between Ruger and NRA, is that coming out of the 2016 elections, we end up with a Congress and a president who respect and support our rights to own and use firearms,” said Fifer. “We're also seeking to energize our customer base and our employees, to get them involved. As we saw in 2012, the Challenge is a great way for all of us to help protect our rights. We need to come together to support NRA-ILA.”
Taking that message to heart is Davidson’s, Ruger’s largest distributor, which responded with a pledge to up the ante. CEO Bryan Tucker stated, “I am happy to announce that Davidson’s will contribute an additional $1 to the $2 contributed by Ruger for each Ruger firearm that Davidson’s sells over the next year. I would also encourage all Ruger firearms distributors to support Ruger’s generous donation with one of their own.”
NRA leaders were deeply appreciative of Ruger's leadership. “The unwavering support of Ruger is critical, especially now,” said NRA Executive VP Wayne LaPierre. “The next year and a half, until President Obama leaves office, is the most dangerous period in history for the Second Amendment and our freedom. The next election is all or nothing for America's gun owners. To help build the most effective and toughest NRA ever, the commitment of Ruger is vital in our fight to take back the White House and save our freedoms.”
Added Chris Cox, NRA-ILA Executive Director, “Ruger’s 2 Million Gun Challenge is a model of good corporate citizenship in defense of American freedom. By supporting the NRA’s fight to defend the right to keep and bear arms, Ruger not only advances the rights of American gun owners and hunters – they also directly benefit the freedoms and safety of all Americans. That’s as visionary as it is vital to the rights and traditions we hold dear.”
For further details about Ruger’s 2015-2016 “2 Million Gun Challenge” and to track its progress, visit Ruger.com/2Million.
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation's leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services.
Contribution Revenue: The majority of the NRA’s funding comes from millions of small donors who are committed to the preservation Second Amendment rights. Less than 5% of the organization’s revenue comes from the Firearms Industry.
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