Ruger 77/357

posted on January 7, 2013

Being able to feed a long gun and a handgun from the same box of cartridges can reduce ammo costs, and is one of the oldest, most tried-and-true shooting concepts in the industry. While the lever-action has been more often associated with that role, Ruger has recently released a line of bolt-actions that are more than capable of handling your favorite handgun loads.

The company originally released an all-weather configuration M77 Mark II bolt-action in .44 Mag. The line has since been expanded to include a model chambered in .357 Mag., which we present as the latest Gun of the Week—the Ruger 77/357 Rotary Magazine Rifle.

Watch the video below and learn all about the 77/357 from American Rifleman's Senior Executive Editor Brian Sheetz. Are you glad this classic concept has returned? Let us know in the comments section below.

Technical Specifications:

Action: Bolt-Action
.357 Mag.
Brushed Stainless Steel
Black Synthetic
Front Sight:
Gold Bead
Rear Sight:
Barrel Length:
Overall Length:
8 Groove; 1:16” RH
5.50 lbs.
5+1 Removable Rotary Magazine


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