Q: Why didn’t the 5 mm Remington Rimfire Magnum catch on like the .17 HMR has in recent years? Does anyone still chamber this cartridge, and is it even available in a factory load today?
A: The answer as to why the 5 mm did not survive in the market is somewhat subjective, and a number of knowledgeable people disagree on the details. Most would agree that the 5 mm RRM was a good idea; it was essentially Remington’s effort to provide a more effective option to the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire. Unfortunately, the 5 mm was offered only with a hollow-point bullet and was quite destructive on edible game. A non-expanding bullet might have altered the perception.
At the time of its production, Remington was the only source for rifles and ammunition, although Thompson/Center did offer Contender barrels for a while. The only current ammunition maker is Aguila, but the production is limited. According to the company, “Aguila still manufactures this very popular 5 mm ammunition.” It appears that distribution has been delayed due to rimfire demand, so patience is the only option.
—John W. Treakle