Q. I have an interesting .22-cal. that appears to be a target rifle of sorts, but I can’t find information on it. The Blue Book Of Gun Values does not even contain information. Can you help?
A. Thank you for your photographs. It appears you have a Haemmerli & Hausch (H&H) target rifle. Founded in 1876, H&H was a highly respected maker of fine rifles in Switzerland. In 1883, Friedrich von Martini sold the rights to the use of his falling-block action to H&H. Around 1921, the name was changed to just Haemmerli, sometimes spelled Hammerli in the U.S.
Jules Bury in Liege, Belgium, was the retailer of the rifle. The firm also made guns, but, in this instance, I would guess it had H&H make the rifle for it with the company’s name stamped in the large oval on the side of the receiver. I estimate that your gun was made somewhere between 1880 and 1921.
You won’t find these guns in the “Blue Book” because there are so few in the United States. I checked the online gun auctions and found a few that have been sold. But they are all so different in details and chambering that it would be difficult to come to a value. I didn’t see any listed that were .22 caliber, but I would think that would be a very desirable chambering.