Q: Due to my advanced age, my eyesight is to the point where I have a hard time shooting with open sights. I have a Ruger .22-cal. New Model Single-Six revolver and would like to mount a red-dot sight on this gun. Does anyone make a mount that would use the single screw hole that holds the rear sight in place between the two ears that are part of the frame?
A: One of the pioneers in the development of no-drill, no-tap scope mounts for Ruger revolvers is Weigand Machine and Design in Pennsylvania. I have used the company’s products for many years, and I believe it can offer you everything you are looking for. The website is jackweigand.com.
Weigand products are available from a number of distributors but can also be purchased directly. Because of some new offerings from the company, I would suggest you contact it directly to get its recommendations.
—John W. Treakle, Contributing Editor