Remington Ammunition has issued a safety recall for one lot of its subsonic .22 Long Rifle ammunition. The recall, which was issued Dec. 15, 2023, is limited to cartridges that shipped in Remington Subsonic 22 LR 100-round packs, or bulk cases, in lot number P25HB4. Owners of other subsonic .22 LR loads from the company can continue their use. In an abundance of safety, however, owners of .22 LR subsonic loads from the company are encouraged to double check their ammo’s box or carton to ensure it is not included in this notification.
The company has determined ammunition shipped in that lot number may contain rounds with an insufficient crimp and improper powder charge. The condition could cause high pressure when fired, resulting in firearm damage and/or personal injury. The issue is limited exclusively to lot number P25HB4.
Lot codes are stamped on the exterior of each 100 pack’s plastic tray. The number can also be found clearly marked on the exterior side of the case pack.
Enthusiasts who have recently purchased any Remington Subsonic 22 LR ammunition with lot number P25HB4 should cease using it immediately and remove any of it from their firearms and magazines. Owners should then call Remington Ammunition Customer Service by phoning (800) 243-9700 as soon as possible The staff there will arrange for the exchange of the recalled product for fresh cartridges, free of charge. Owners with questions about this notification can call the same number for more details. They can also visit the safety notification web page [PDF] on the company’s website.
“Remington Ammunition would like to apologize for any inconveniences or concerns that this issue may have created for our customers,” the company stated in the notice. “We thank you for your continued support of Remington ammunition products.”