Designed for everyday carry, the SureFire Tactician flashlight (E2T-MV) derives its versatility from a pair of dual-mode features. First, the light is capable of producing 800 lumens for long-range viewing or tactical/defensive situations, or it can be dialed backed—with a quarter-turn of the bezel—to just five lumens for more mundane tasks and extended battery life. Secondly, the Tactician has two modes of operation: press the tailcap for momentary-on or twist it for a constant beam. The flashlight is 5" long, weighs 3.5 ozs. and features the durable aluminum construction for which SureFire products are known. Batteries, a pocket clip and wrist lanyard are included. Price: $149. Contact: SureFire, LLC; (800) 828-8809;
Additional Reading:
Video: NRA Gun Gear of the Week: Surefire Tactician Flashlight