For better or worse, outdoorsmen and -women are increasingly dependent on technology in the field. Smart phones are engaged in the hunting woods and on the range to call home, check-in game, gauge the weather, enter shot data into ballistic apps and more. Though cellular coverage seems to improve yearly, outlets for charging devices remain scarce once a shooter leaves the comfort of his or her truck. The My Charge All Terrain USB charger is designed to be, essentially, outdoor-proof. Rubber armor surrounds and protects the charger body and cap. When the unit is closed and latched, the rubber compresses together forming a water-resistant seal. The charger is easily portable, weighing less than 4 ozs. and possesses dimensions similar to a small flashlight (4"x1.5"x1.1"). The lithium ion battery has a 3000 mAh capacity—touted to provide 22 hours of energy, depending on device and usage—and is rechargeable via the included mini-USB cable. Power output is 2.1A through the unit’s integral USB port, though users will need to use device-appropriate USB cables. For those who answer the call of the wild, the My Charge All Terrain supplies the portable power to stay connected. Price: $40.
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