Owners of Ruger’s Mark series .22 Long Rifle semi-automatic pistols have long dreaded cleaning them due to the onerous nature of the reassembly process, which could sometimes result in a non-functional pistol. While the new Mark IV model solved that dilemma by way of a simple takedown button, original Standard Model, Mark II and Mark III guns can now be made similarly foolproof with a $15, user-installable component that remains in the pistol and precludes future incorrect reassembly. The patented U.S.-made Hammer Strut Support, designed by a retired engineer, blocks the hammer strut from becoming lodged under the sear spring stop pin, which lies transversely in the pistol’s grip frame. The device can be installed in minutes by the user and fits all Mark series pistols except 22/45 versions and those made from 1970-’74. For more information, visit hammerstrutsupport.com.