Barrel-securing locknuts for bolt-action rifle builds are typically machined in the Savage pattern, which features thin longitudinal grooves engaged by a stamped-steel wrench. Bighorn Arms brings an elegant solution to bear on the critical barrel/receiver junction with its patent-pending 12-point Bighorn barrel nut. Designed to be installed with a common 1 1⁄8", 12-point box-end wrench on 1 1⁄16x20 barrel shank threads, the DLC-finished nut’s flutes allow for much greater wrench engagement, minimizing the potential for damage and maximizing the application of torque. Its 1.37" length also visually eases the transition from receiver to barrel, and its diameter allows it to fit into most Remington Model 700-footprint stock channels. Price: $50. Contact: Bighorn Arms; (402) 782-2884;