As the first offering in Galco’s new Masterbilt series of holsters, the Thunderclap is constructed of premium leather by the company’s most experienced holster makers.
The attractive, hand-molded design isn’t just for looks. During the build process, the Thunderclap, like other Masterbilt holsters will be, is dried around a solid form, ensuring a perfect fit straight from the factory. The full-grain leather lining improves both retention and also provides greater tactile feedback when drawing and re-holstering. The Thunderclap offers a neutral cant and is relieved where the holster mouth meets the trigger guard, ensuring carriers can obtain a full firing grip on their gun before drawing.
A metal-reinforced belt loop provides extra rigidity, and a second belt slot to the rear of the holster aids in concealment by pulling the butt of a holstered pistol closer to the body. The suggested retail price on the Galco Thunderclap holster is $249. For more information, visit galcogunleather.com.