If February’s Keefe Report: Marines Send in the Leupolds left you with scope envy, here’s your chance to top your rifle with the same optic that the United States Marine Corps recently selected for a Squad-Designated Marksman Rifle. In honor of the Mark 4’s legendary military service, Leupold & Stevens, Inc., will have a very limited number of Mark 4 2.5-8x36 MR/T TS-30A2 riflescopes for sale in its booth during the 147th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Dallas.
Earlier this year, the Marine Corps began the process of fielding the M38, which features a TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T riflescope atop an M27. The configuration is to be known as the Squad-Designated Marksman Rifle. The TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T was also featured on the MK12 MOD1 weapon system, which had a long history of service with SOCOM. It's perfect for any MK12 clone build or military historian looking to add to their collection.
"The Mark 4 is synonymous with the American military and has been included in an array of vital missions," said Sam Horstman, director of military sales for Leupold & Stevens, Inc. "We'll be celebrating its relentless service all weekend in Dallas, and wanted to do something special for fans of the platform. If you’ll be in town and have been looking for a Mark 4 to add to your collection, be sure to come and see us.”
The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas from May 4-6. Leupold will have the Mark 4 2.5-8x36 MR/T TS-30A2—as well as the company’s many new products—on display at booth #6810.
Parties unable to attend the show can order the limited-run Mark 4 by contacting the Leupold Custom Shop by calling 1-888-629-4811. For more, visit Leupold.com.
Additional Reading:
The Keefe Report: Marines Send in the Leupolds