The Uberti “Teddy” is a special edition of the company’s popular 1873 Cattleman series of Single-Action Army revolvers. Surviving examples of original Colt Peacemakers sell for many thousands of dollars, and those special examples carried by men like Teddy Roosevelt or Wyatt Earp are museum-quality pieces that are better preserved for posterity.

The 1873 Cattleman makes it easy to get the same look and feel from a modern-day gun, and you can even have guns chambered in a more accessible cartridge, like .38 Special or .357 Magnum. The steel frame, cylinder and barrel of the “Teddy” wheelgun is nickel-plated and engraved to provide a look nearly identical as the Roosevelt's personal gun. Imitation ivory stocks are also included.

Traditional to Colt SAA form, Uberti supplies a loading gate on the right side of the recoil shield. An ejection rod allows for unloading spent cases singly through the gun’s six-round cylinder. Best practice with single-action guns like the Uberti “Teddy” is to rest the hammer on an empty cylinder. But those looking for modern safety features can opt for the Cattleman II with a retractable firing pin and transfer bar safety mechanism.

Watch our NRA Gun of the Week video above to learn more about the Uberti USA “Teddy” revolver.
Uberti USA 1873 Single-Action Cattleman New Model Specifications
Importer: Uberti USA
Action Type: single-action centerfire revolver
Chambering: .45 Colt
Frame: steel, nickel finish
Barrel: 5.5" steel, nickel finish
Cylinder: six-round capacity, steel, nickel finish
Trigger: single-action
Sights: notch rear, blade front
Stocks: composite
Length: 11"
Weight: 36.8 ozs.
MSRP: $1,249