From 115 grs. to 147, round-nose FMJs to hollow points and flat points, Aguila Ammunition’s five offerings in 9 mm Luger run the gamut, and provide shooters with variety and value. Most of the ammunition is best suited for range use, but shooters will find that despite modest over-the-counter prices, Aguila cartridges exhibit consistent quality. Most people may not know that Aguila actually manufactures all components of its cartridges, save the propellant, and in addition to its facilities south of the border, Aguila is expanding its American operations in Texas. American Rifleman’s Joe Kurtenbach has had the opportunity to shoot a lot of Aguila’s offering, and offers his take in this week’s NRA Gun Gear of the week video.
Springfield Armory introduced its first optic-ready TRP 1911s, equipped with the Agency Optic System, along with the company's first 9 mm Luger-chambered TRP pistols.
A number of M1 Garands on the market have higher serial numbers than many military-issue Garands? Why? Here's the story of the commercially made M1s from Springfield Armory.
As with all of his previous works, Bruce Canfield's latest, by Mowbray Publishing, is another “must-have” for the shelf of any avid collector of U.S. military arms.
At first glance, Winchester Ammunition’s .21 Sharp rimfire cartridge appears very similar in purpose to the classic .22 Long Rifle. So, what’s the reason for the new chambering? For the answer, we have to look to the past—and also to the future.
The analytic report, courtesy of, suggests while firearm, optic and ammunition sales are trending downward, suppressor sales, however, are up 264 percent since 2019 figures.