Because of the lack of ammunition supplies over the past year or so, I always make slip past the ammo shelf whenever I’m in a big-box store, in addition to making special trips to sporting goods stores, to see if supplies have increased. Sure, I’m trying to restock my stores, but I’m also just trying to see if the panic buying is starting to subside.
Last weekend, while shopping for some household items, I made my usual side trip to the locked Plexiglas case that in recent months has caused indigestion due to the open space that should be holding well-designed boxes symbolizing one of the freedoms of this county. I wasn’t expecting much, but to my surprise there was ammunition present. The majority of the fully loaded cartridges were of the hunting variety, with highly colored images of ducks, doves and deer, but I also saw some plain, brown-boxed Federal .223 Rem.
There were also some .45 Colt, .38 Spl. and .380 ACP rounds present, though sadly the main calibers I use-.45 ACP and 9 mm-were still missing. Also absent were the ever hard to find .22 rounds. Seeing this, however, has made me wonder if the scare is on the downward slide, and that ammunition will be available soon. I certainly hope so, but will remain skeptical until I see the removal of that three box limit sign. Are you noticing more ammunition on the shelves, or did I just get lucky?