Contributions to MidwayUSA’s NRA Round-Up Program surpassed $20 million on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. The company launched the effort in 1992 as a conduit for customers to help support the fight for our Second Amendment rights. During checkout, shoppers finalizing their purchase have the option of rounding up their purchases to the next dollar. The change is then donated to the NRA Institute for Legislative Action.
Larry Potterfield, MidwayUSA founder and executive chairman, gives credit to the company’s loyal customers for the success of the Round-Up program. “It’s important to note this isn’t money from the Potterfield family,” he said. “It’s from customers who recognize we need a strong NRA fighting for us, and they want to help.”
"For nearly three decades the Potterfields, their staff, and the dedicated customers of MidwayUSA have provided an unprecedented level of support to NRA-ILA and our mission to protect Americans’ Second Amendment rights,” said Jason Ouimet, NRA-ILA executive director. “The years ahead promise to be filled with nonstop attacks on those rights and thanks to the funds raised through the Round-Up program we'll be able to face them head on."
Matt Fleming, president & CEO of MidwayUSA, stressed the importance of having a strong NRA. “We are constantly having to defend our second amendment right to keep and bear arms, and the NRA is the foremost guardian of that right,” said Fleming. “Our customers recognize this and show their support by rounding up.”
Contributions to the NRA Round-Up are placed in the NRA National Endowment for the Protection of the Second Amendment. The contributions are never spent, and five percent of the fund is available annually to help protect the Second Amendment at the local, state, and national level.
For 44 years, MidwayUSA, has supported efforts to protect the Second Amendment. What began as a small family-owned gun shop in Missouri has grown to become one of the world’s largest on-line retailers for firearms, accessories, ammunition and sporting goods.