MidwayUSA Foundation recently announced the payout of more than $2.23 million in cash grants to 612 youth shooting teams. The receiving teams make up approximately 27,000 youth shooting athletes across the country. This latest grant cycle had an average team payout of $3,649, and the funds are used to assist with team expenses such as ammunition, targets, travel, entry fees, team gear and more.
“Assisting with critical costs provides the opportunity for more athletes to participate in shooting sports where they’ll learn leadership skills, confidence and discipline that will benefit them throughout their lives,” said MidwayUSA Foundation Executive Director G. Scott Reynolds. “Our June 2021 cycle was the largest June grant cycle to date, proving growth and continued opportunities for youth involved in this great sport. I am elated to see more and more teams requesting their cash grants year-over-year.”
In 2021 alone, MidwayUSA Foundation has paid more than $5.3 million in cash grants to youth shooting teams. These funds are benefiting 1,358 teams and each are eligible to apply for their cash grant every year.
Each shooting team’s grant is 5 percent of their MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment balance, so as a team’s endowment grows, so does their annual cash grant. The Foundation also offers various resources to help shooting teams increase their endowment. Every youth shooting team can receive donations directly to their endowment through the website, for example. Those tax-deductible donations are also matched, thanks to Larry and Brenda Potterfield, owners of MidwayUSA, who fund the Foundation’s Matching Program. Along with donations, teams can request free products to use in their community fundraisers. Proceeds donated to their endowment from these products are also matched.
The MidwayUSA Foundation, which was established in 2007, is a 501(c)(3) public charity that works to sustain and grow the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams through annual cash grants.