Magnum Research, maker of the famous Desert Eagle and BFR handguns, is donating three revolvers to this year’s Lucas Oil Invitational Pro Bull Ride, which takes place this weekend. The first gun is a BFR chambered in .44 Mag. with 7.5" barrel, Hogue grips and stainless finish. It’s valued at $1,219 and will be raffled to benefit Protect the Harvest, a 501(3)C non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on agriculture and combating disinformation spread by extremist groups threatening the industry and way of life.
The second BFR donated by Magnum Research is a custom-engraved gun called the “Bounty Bull.” Chambered in .30-30 Win., it features a 10" barrel and Bisley grips. The gun and grips are engraved by Outlaw Ordnance, with scroll work, bull riding imagery and “Bounty Bull” on the smooth cylinder. This gun is valued at $4,917 and will also be raffled to benefit Protect the Harvest.
The third gun, a .44 Mag., will go to the overall Rodeo champion. It features a 7.5" barrel, Bisley grips and Outlaw Ordnance engraving. Its ornate scrollwork and imagery commemorate the rider’s victory at the Lucas Oil Invitational Pro Bull Ride. The champion’s trophy BFR is valued at $6,321.
All BFRs are hand-built and finely tuned for exceptional performance. There are 12 chamberings available, in everything from .30-30 Win. up to .500 S&W and .500 AE. With a brushed stainless steel frame and barrel and polymer Bisley grips, the five-shot revolvers present a classic look. Enthusiasts can also choose a Hogue Mono Grip.
Outlaw Ordnance specializes in custom engraving, stippling and cerakote finishes. The family-owned business has built a reputation for quality and its work has been featured by a variety of publications and websites.
Staff from Magnum Research, Kahr Firearms Group and Outlaw Ordnance will attend the rodeo.