A big, fine revolver if there ever was one, the Magnum Research BFR provides power and versatility in a 100 percent made in the United States package.
Based in Minnesota, Magnum Research is known for making the popular Desert Eagle available to American shooters, and has imported the IMI/IWI brand of pistols under the Baby Desert Eagle name.
Sporting a massive, all-stainless frame, the BFR is an impressively powerful single-action. The BFR is perfect for hunting—or even outright protection, if you're a regular backwoods adventurer. If .30/30 Win. isn't your style, don't fret: There are nearly a dozen other options available.
Technical Specifications:
Model: BFR30/30
Action: Single-Action Only
Caliber: .30/30 Win.
Frame: Stainless Steel
Finish: Brushed Stainless Steel Construction
Sights: Factory Black Fixed Front/Rear Adjustable
Barrel Length: 10"
Total Length: 17.5"
Weight: 84.8 ozs., Unloaded
Capacity: 5 Rounds
MSRP: $1,050 (prices may vary)
*Note: The BFR line is available in an array of calibers. For more information, visit the home of Magnum Research.