Today’s violent home invasions happen at a speed that allows perpetrator(s) to overcome the perceived chief home defender before there’s time to react. Stronger male residents are usually the primary target because of physical strength.
Rather than remind you that your significant other should also be well versed in running a firearm designated for self-defense and know where it is at all times, even if they don’t carry, I’ll cite a case last week in Sultan, Wash. A criminal broke down the door, began beating a 75-year-old man and then started stabbing him. His 80-year-old wife retrieved a gun and killed the perpetrator. The couple’s adult son was asleep in the home at the time. Had the woman not known the gun’s whereabouts and how to run it, it’s pretty certain at least one of the senior citizens would have been murdered.
Survival stories like this more eloquent than nagging reminders from armchair quarterbacks, in my opinion. Undoubtedly, taking a life—even that of someone attempting to kill a loved one—is a life-altering experience, and not in a good way. There is no other choice, though, when you have the means and training to stop the felonious attack.
The man is currently in the hospital, and our thoughts and prayers go out that both victims heal quickly.