If you remember the book or movie "Blackhawk Down," then you would have been moved by presenter and former Delta Force operator Kyle Lamb's presentation titled "Leadership In The Shadows." Lamb served five tours in Iraq and was also there in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1994 when U.S. soldiers were savagely attacked by locals in a Blackhawn helicopter crash and ensuing debacle that ended with numerous American casualties.Through actual battlefield photos and stills from the movie, Lamb relayed how his commander rallied the troops despite the fact that his commander's best friend had just been fatally shot. "Thousands of bad guys were trying to assault our position," said Lamb, who went on to list Credibility, Moral Fiber, Accountability, Clear Guidance, Motivation and Boldness as the leadership values that saw him and his men through the life-changing event. "Right now we're lacking leaders in our families," Lamb said, adding, "We need leaders now." It was a theme that would resound throughout the halls of the Indianapolis Convention Center during the NRA Annual Meetings. Such seminars, often featuring decorated heros and individuals uniquely qualified to speak on difficult and elusive topics, are but one of the reasons that members turn out in such great numbers and leave having a greater appreciation not only for their NRA but also for their USA.